THE POWER OF ONE The Queensland strata legislation, like other States’ legislation, includes varying motion types which necessitate different levels of voting support in order to become resolutions. Each State has unique categories of motions and different...Read More
WHEN SHOULD A BODY CORPORATE ALLOW A DISCOUNT FOR AN OVERDUE PAYMENT? The legislation has created a significant incentive for owners to pay their contributions by allowing a body corporate to fix a discount of up to 20% to be given to owners if a contribution...Read More
WHAT IS GALLERY VIE? What is Gallery Vie, and why is the caretaker wanting to vary the caretaking agreement? Gallery Vie is the name of a strata building which was involved in a 2015 Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) decision that...Read More
TERMINATION OF RESIDENTIAL TENANCIES IN NSW AFTER THE COVID-19 MORATORIUM The temporary tenancy moratorium introduced by the NSW Government to restrict when landlords could evict residential tenants due to rental arrears as a result of COVID-19 ended on...Read More
REALLOCATION OF EXCLUSIVE USE AREAS – A COST ON WHO?, FOR THE BENEFIT OF TWO A situation that frequently comes across my desk is where two or more lot owners (but usually just two) are seeking to ‘swap’ exclusive use areas between their lots. Sometimes it...Read More