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Can open, worms everywhere

It’s human nature to avoid problems and leave them for another day. And it’s even easier to avoid a problem if you don’t even know it exists. Generally speaking, significant strata law changes occur at a sedate glacial speed. It is for this reason that people can be...Read More

Is It Maintenance or Is It More?

Caretaking and building manager agreements generally require the caretaker to conduct regular maintenance and upkeep of the common property. This usually encompasses a requirement to perform small jobs that don’t require a special skill or trade like touching up...Read More

Storing equipment on common property in NSW

One essential but sometimes overlooked component of a Management Rights business is having a place to store your caretaking equipment. Most strata schemes will have an area designated for storage on the common property that the manager is generally allowed to use....Read More

Can’t wait for an AGM – How to call an EGM in NSW

Need extra term under your Building Management Agreement in NSW – but your Owners Corporation AGM is still a long way off? All is not lost; you just need to convene an EGM to get your motion passed. Different Ways to Convene an EGM You may request the Owners...Read More

Closing out the grey areas in Letting Appointments

Your letting appointment with owners must clearly set out in detail all fees and charges you propose to make to your owner. This document forms the core basis of your relationship with owners in your letting pool. We often see managers who want to keep their...Read More

Know your options and how to use them

When describing a caretaking or letting agreement, it is quite common for people to describe them by referring to the total time remaining before the agreement expires. Typically this description also includes any option terms available in the agreement, e.g....Read More

Caretaking equipment – It came with the Job

When you buy a Management Rights business, one of the assets you should acquire at the time is all the equipment used by the seller to perform the duties under the caretaking and letting agreements. If the seller was a hands-on building manager, depending on the...Read More