Caretaking and building manager agreements generally require the caretaker to conduct regular maintenance and upkeep of the common property. This usually encompasses a requirement to perform small jobs that don’t require a special skill or trade like touching up...Read More
THREE THINGS TO DO IN RESPONSE TO A VAGUE RECORD COPY REQUEST Here are two-real life examples: “I request copies of all correspondence from any unit owner to the body corporate requesting for the program of works relating to the water penetration into unit [XYZ] be...Read More
TERMINATED CARETAKING AGREEMENTS – IS IT THE COURTS PROBLEM? We all know that disputes about terminated caretaking and letting agreements are heard by QCAT. However the Supreme Court of Queensland has recently considered whether the Courts have...Read More
THE POWER OF ONE The Queensland strata legislation, like other States’ legislation, includes varying motion types which necessitate different levels of voting support in order to become resolutions. Each State has unique categories of motions and different...Read More
WHEN SHOULD A BODY CORPORATE ALLOW A DISCOUNT FOR AN OVERDUE PAYMENT? The legislation has created a significant incentive for owners to pay their contributions by allowing a body corporate to fix a discount of up to 20% to be given to owners if a contribution...Read More
WHAT IS GALLERY VIE? What is Gallery Vie, and why is the caretaker wanting to vary the caretaking agreement? Gallery Vie is the name of a strata building which was involved in a 2015 Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) decision that...Read More