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General Management Rights

New By-Laws – Not Always What You Are Led To Believe

The by-laws for a strata scheme are often an essential component of the onsite manager’s business and can add a lot of extra value to the business by granting exclusive rights to the onsite manager. It is very common for the by-laws in a strata scheme to be overly...Read More

Registering is Key

One of the most common duties you will find in a caretaking agreement is an obligation on the manager to keep safe all the keys (fobs, swipe cards etc.) needed to access the complex. The manager is required to store the keys securely and only share them with persons...Read More

Can open, worms everywhere

It’s human nature to avoid problems and leave them for another day. And it’s even easier to avoid a problem if you don’t even know it exists. Generally speaking, significant strata law changes occur at a sedate glacial speed. It is for this reason that people can be...Read More

Storing equipment on common property in NSW

One essential but sometimes overlooked component of a Management Rights business is having a place to store your caretaking equipment. Most strata schemes will have an area designated for storage on the common property that the manager is generally allowed to use....Read More