Caretaking and building manager agreements generally require the caretaker to conduct regular maintenance and upkeep of the common property. This usually encompasses a requirement to perform small jobs that don’t require a special skill or trade like touching up...Read More
One essential but sometimes overlooked component of a Management Rights business is having a place to store your caretaking equipment. Most strata schemes will have an area designated for storage on the common property that the manager is generally allowed to use....Read More
Need extra term under your Building Management Agreement in NSW – but your Owners Corporation AGM is still a long way off? All is not lost; you just need to convene an EGM to get your motion passed. Different Ways to Convene an EGM You may request the Owners...Read More
In a post Covid world there appears to be far more inconsistency in the industry when it comes to short-term operators charging cancellation fees when bookings are cancelled. After a couple of years of significant pressure to not charge any cancellation fees and...Read More
Selling your business can be very stressful as you juggle the demands of both the business buyer and the owners in your strata scheme, while at the same time being under the time pressure of a looming settlement date. One way you can significantly reduce this stress...Read More
SAME, SAME – BUT DIFFERENT? TOP UPS AND EXERCISING OPTIONS Tenure is critical to the success and value of your Management Rights business. The length or duration of your agreements is usually called the “term” and your “total term” might be a single period, e.g....Read More