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Management Rights

Pros and Cons of Pooled Letting

PROS AND CONS OF POOLED LETTING   When an owner lets out their unit through an on-site letting agent, there are two ways that the owner’s letting income is typically calculated. These can be described as the “direct income” method or the “pooled income” method....Read More

What is Gallery Vie

WHAT IS GALLERY VIE?   What is Gallery Vie, and why is the caretaker wanting to vary the caretaking agreement?   Gallery Vie is the name of a strata building which was involved in a 2015 Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) decision that...Read More

Changes to NSW Strata Laws

CHANGES TO NSW STRATA LAWS   There are now 81,717 strata schemes registered in NSW and every year this number grows by more than 1,000 across both Sydney and regional NSW.  Minister for Better Regulation, Kevin Anderson, has stated that, with the continued surge...Read More