The major decisions that are made by a Body Corporate are decided by a vote of the owners at a general meeting. Some decisions require a simple majority, while more contentious matters might require a unanimous resolution of all owners attending the meeting. No matter...Read More
Caretaking and building manager agreements generally require the caretaker to conduct regular maintenance and upkeep of the common property. This usually encompasses a requirement to perform small jobs that don’t require a special skill or trade like touching up...Read More
NEW DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS FOR NSW SALES and WHAT QLD BODY CORPORATE RECORDS CAN BE ACCESSED New Disclosure Requirements for NSW Sales Real Estate agents in NSW should be aware of a recent change to the Property and Stock Agents Regulation 2014 in...Read More
WHAT IS GALLERY VIE? What is Gallery Vie, and why is the caretaker wanting to vary the caretaking agreement? Gallery Vie is the name of a strata building which was involved in a 2015 Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) decision that...Read More