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How to deal with Defamation?

We know that maintaining reputations and relationships are vital to harmonious community living. That is because community living has a tendency to create situations in which defamation issues arise between owners, committee members, caretakers, letting agents and body corporate managers.

When these issues arise, they can be embarrassing and expensive.

We specialise in resolving these issues through a tailored combination of practical advice, assessment of damages, concerns notices, mediation and, if absolutely necessary, court proceedings – all aimed at preserving reputations and relationships where possible.

Our experience includes:

  1.   advising clients about the path to resolution for both verbal and written publications of defamatory matter, including where that matter is on-forwarded;
  2.   issuing concerns notices to the publisher of defamatory matter and obtaining an unequivocal apology and payment of legal fees for our clients;
  3.   advising clients regarding damages and economic loss claims in court proceedings;
  4.   attending mediation to resolve defamation claims;
  5.   issuing court proceedings on behalf of owners, committee members, caretakers, letting agents and body corporate managers.

At Small Myers Hughes, we have the expertise to deal with those matters that arise in bodies corporate that are not purely answered by reference to strata legislation, and understand how to produce solutions in the body corporate environment.